Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Marriage and the Gospel

I know three couples that are all going through a bit of Marital growing pains and as I talk with all of them I have put them into three bubbles.  They all have a bout the same problem and there is only one big difference in the handling of there pains and there success.

Couple 1 has been married for 5 years and have 2 children.  They both work middim jobs and they seem happy on the outside.  They are members of the Church but they are nonactive.  They were married in the Temple but now have expired Recommends.  They have a couple problems,  One is respect and the other is trust. 

Couple 2 has been married for 2 years and they are trying for children, but have not yet succeeded.  They both have good jobs and they one has a side hobby that brings in some extra money.  They look to be a strong successful happy couple.  They are Active members of the Church and attend the Temple regularly.  They were married in the Temple and are avid service people in there ward.   They also have a couple of problem, One Respect and the other Communication.

Couple three has been married for 4 years, no children and no real plans for kids anytime soon.  The one has a high power job and the other has a good job and going to school to get a better job.  They are not members of the LDS Church but go to a small Congregational Church every so often.  They are over all good people.  They have a couple problems, Respect and stubbornness.

All of these couple have at least one problem that is the same.  Respect or lake there of.  

Couple 1 they don’t appreciate each other and there for don’t really show one another the respect they deserve.  Their second problem is a lake of trust, because they do not  respect each other enough to all ways be honest they now do not trust one another.  

Couple 2 They so their lake of respect by not communicating enough or over communicating.  This is their way of disrespect.

Couple 3 because they let their Egos get in the way they are like two bulls standing horn to horn and this is their way of not respecting the other.

The biggest difference is their level in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  As I have talked to all 3 couples personally I know which couple is doing what I feel is the best to Grow together and learn to Respect one another.  Couple 2 is on the right path.  They saw that they had a problem and the thought themselves into the Gospel.  They do a lot to have a Christ centered home.  They try to read and pray together and to attend the Temple together.  They are moving forward nicely and no longer bring up the word devoice.  Couple 1 isn’t to far behind but in the world of marriage if you mention Devoice it’s not on a good path.  They have not started going back to church yet but they are trying to work things out and I hear they are going to talk with their Bishop which is a good First start.  Couple 3 didn’t really have all of the advantages the other two do because they are not in the Gospel yet.  They are trying but they are not on the path toward God so they are having to learn the hard was.

What I have learned from these three couples and can apply to my marriage is that if we plant or feet in the Gospel of the True Church we will have a better chance to succeed.  A better chance to be happy and a better chance to truly enjoy our Marriages forever.  May we all look toward God to be our consoler.

I hope this makes cents and came out as I intended it to .  My hands don’t type as fast as my mind thinks.  

Friday, December 25, 2009

A Christmas Story

What a wonderful day Christmas is.  It gives us a time to think about our Saviour Jesus Christ Birth and to give unto others our bounty.  We had a wonderful Christmas day.  I will start with Christmas Eve.
We went over to my Sis-in-law 'R' for dinner and also her Fiances Mothers Birthday dinner.  I made a Cake for her and it was a big hit (Because my Cakes are amazing  =)).  We had a good Ham dinner, and then we headed over to my Other Sis-in law 'J's Church that has a very nice Christmas program.  This year wasn't as good as years past but it was still nice none the less.  It is nice to hear Spiritual word for Christmas.  After that we headed back to R's for dessert and then Troy and I headed home.  We ended up going to Midnight Mass in our town of Natick.  We are able to walk to the Church so that was nice.  I have never done a Midnight Mass.  I have only been to  Mass a few times in my life.  It was a very lovely service and I appreciate filling my Spiritual cup a little more.  I do look forward to going to my Church on Sunday to Really fill my cup to the Max.  

Christmas Morning Troy and I had our little humble Christmas gift exchange.  We only had a few gifts under the tree to one another.  I gave Troy a pice of paper letting him decide between a trip to NYC w/ Hotel or an i Phone.  He of coarse chose the i Phone. We have to go back and get it to work out changing from t-moblie to AT&T.  I received tickets to the Boston Opera House for the Lion King.  I'm super excited about that.  And I will be getting an i Phone also with various money gifts we received.  We're excited for the i Phones.  =)
 We then headed over to J's house for a late breakfast and then off to a movie.  Troy and his brother J.H.  went and saw Avatar and the rest of us saw Sherlock Holmes.  It was a great movie for us and Troy enjoyed his.  Then it was back to J's house for Dinner.  Like all dinners and activities involving my in=laws it was late.  We were told we would eat at 6:30 and we finally eat at 7:30... again not to bad for them.  After dinner we got to open presents and that was a lot of fun.  I always leave Christmas filling very well dressed for the year to come.  All of the Girls give me wonderful cloths and have great taste.  We also got a few new games.  Troy is being a good sport and trying to play more games with me.
Troy hasn't been feeling to well we left shortly after gifts.  We cuddled on our bed and put in a Christmas Story.  A Classic!  Troy has fallen asleep and I am not to far from that also.
I hope you all had a Marry Christmas and may we keep Christ in our Hearts Always and remember the Spirit of giving Year round.
Marry Christmas Everyone!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Ikea, Christmas Party, Hanukkah, and Snow! Take 2.

Yesterday was  a fun day for many of reasons one was that I was asleep until 12:30pm.  Sleeping is one pf my most charished activities.  I love to sleep in my big comfy round bed and snuggle under my covers.  It is just wonderful fun.   After dragging myself out of bed I found out my loving Husband wanted to take us to Ikea with his Mother and Sister.  I was cool with that, I have been wanting to go back to Ikea for our kitchen table.  But like all things with my In-laws it is alsways later not sooner.  We got to pick them up around 2:30, then we had to make the 45 minute drive down there and eat.  We didn't start looking around until after 4:00 and we had to leave by 5:00 if we were going to make it to CJ's Party somewhat one time.... I still hadn't showered and that is a must before a party.  After pushing the In-law's through the store We made it back to the car around 5:5, not to bad for them.  However the drive back was much longer then the previous 45 minutes because we decided to take the back roads in lou of the crowded interstate.  It wasn't any faster. After dropping off the in-laws we headed back to our Shoe box to get ready.  I took the worlds fastest shower and did a lovely job on my make-up (if I do say myself), but we were now running a hour behind.  
After a lovely 45 minute drive up to Lowell we arrived at the Beautiful home of CJ and JC.  They have a lovely home and I use the word Home instead of house because it was very warm and welcoming to everyone.  I was able to steal CJ away to talk with her and play with her cute puppy.... She's lucky I didn't steal the puppy.  I just wanted to take her home she was so cute!  After realizing I has stolen CJ from her party for nearly an hour I allowed her back down to be a good Host.  JC did a great job keeping Troy entertained and I was able to try some home made Apple Cider... I think it was Cider maybe she called it something else.  There was great conversation and I loved every minute of it.  CJ and I were very excited that our Guys hit it off so well and even said they would like to double sometime.  Maybe you'll hear about that another day.  ;)    
Unfortunately we had to leave earlier then I would have wanted because we had another Party to go to over at the Loft with 'Wismen' a good friend from our dating days.  (He was in our wedding party.)   That was another 40 minute drive over to Boston and that was fun... A different kind of fun for us, we mostly talked with the guys as they all had various drinks, and played a little pool.  Once it started snowing around 1:00am we decided we better head for home.  It was good we left when we did because the drive was far worse toward the end.  We ended up with 15 inches buy the time morning came.  We did make it home safely and we are grateful for that.
All in all it was a very wonderful day full of friends and love.

Ikea, Christmas Party, Hanukkah, and Snow!

Yesterday was  a fun day for many of reasons one was that I was asleep until 12:30pm.  Sleeping is one pf my most charished activities.  I love to sleep in my big comfy round bed and snuggle under my covers.  It is just wonderful fun.   After dragging myself out of bed I found out my loving Husband wanted to take us to Ikea with his Mother and Sister.  I was cool with that, I have been wanting to go back to Ikea for our kitchen table.  But like all things with my In-laws it is alsways later not sooner.  We got to pick them up around 2:30, then we had to make the 45 minute drive down there and eat.  

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Temple Ice Cream Trips!

It seems to me that most times I got to the Temple my trip ends at the Friendlies Ice Cream.  It is a great way to end a great night.  Tonight was much the same.  I went to the Temple to see a friend from Church receive her Endowment and be sealed to her parents and had a wonderful time.  Other then the nauseating headache I had for the first hour of it.  It was great to see this older woman going to the Temple for her first time.  She is in her 70's, I believe.  After we finished at the Temple I went with a wonderful friend J. to the Friendlies and had a light dinner and Ice Cream!  It is always nice to go out with J.  She is great to be with and a lot of fun to talk to.  I am now back home and ready for bed.  With help from my friend Tylenol PM.  I say be asleep soon!
Boring tonight but I wanted to share something more positive to counter last nights out pour of suckyness.  =)  Good night!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

The Adult World I am in

Life has always been on big bowl of fun for me... until I moved away from the comforts of my parents home and found the big bowl of responsibility.  Yah for being a grown up.  Did they forget to teach us about how crapy adulthood is sometimes?  We spend all of our school days preparing for this great job we're going to have and they never tell us " By they way you will hate getting up every morning to go to this job you have spent 4 years learning".  
I have not yet finished said schooling but I am about to embark on the journey of such great joy this January...keeping my fingers crossed it happens.  
I am currently a nanny of twin toddler Devil boys.  They are a bowl full of trouble.  They like to copy what the other is doing but never the good things the other is doing... Why is that?
Anyway back to being an Adult.  I find myself to be a very responsible person.  I pay everything on time and even pay ahead and over they amount to be ahead of the game.  But I still find myself in the Rat Race of life.  I'm still looking for my Cheese to get at the end of this race.  
My Dream adult life would be to have a home, and children and a Dog.
I would love to be able to go to the Temple as much as I would like and take a lot of Vacations, most of which would be to Disneyland in California.  
But like all Dreams they are just that, a figment of my imagination, that disappears when I am awakened by my blackberry alarm reminding me that my Real life 'Adult' world is expecting me by 9:30... and you need to shower.
My bowl of fun is limited to the money I have left over from my bills and essentials of food and clothing... and the $2.70/gal gas in the car. 
 I enjoy going to various groups to knit and talk and do service projects, but my real joy is found in the Temple.  I love the Temple.  I could go there every day and enjoy it just as much as the day before.  I try to go once a week and some weeks I make it twice!  I love those weeks.  The weeks I miss my trip, it hits me very hard, like I didn't get oxygen for the week, I feel deprived and under nourished and I am grateful when I get to make up for it. 
Adult life is hard, but it is worth the rewards we receive in the end.  A warm home, a cool car,  My Temple trips and a package of Oreo's with a cold glass of milk.

Life is good, never forget that even when you have a bowl for of Pain in you a@s.